Apparently she's not too fond of Karen Sypher Rick Pitino loving Mr. Forde and his anti-UK rhetoric.
This is all going to end well. And by saying this is going to end well, I mean I think I'm falling in love with Coach's daughter. She is going to fit in really well in the Bluegrass State.
Hey Erin. I think Ashley Judd's people are on line 1. Ashley wants to meet you.
As ya boy Warren G said back in the day -- RABID KENTUCKY FANS.............MOUNT UP!!!
Current Followers : 110,792
Tweets of Interest
I love my children dearly as u all know. But my daughter Erin
has gotten a little over-zealous in defending her daddy's honor. 35 minutes ago from txtWe both want to apologize. We all have our jobs to do and none
of them are easy and none are black and white. 14
minutes ago from txtMy family has the same passion and commitment I do and sometimes
it overflows a bit. We're all learning together as we strive for our goals.14 minutes ago from txt
I can't believe there isn't a FB group yet. We may have to add that to the Twitter updates.
ReplyDeleteyou mean the FB group, "Kentucky fans who are instantly in love with Erin Calipari".
ReplyDeleteYeah, I cant believe its not up yet either.