Thursday, March 26, 2009

WHAS11 with the scoop?

There is a rumor going around the WHAS11 broke into the airing of Grey's Anatomy that Lee Todd has announced BCG is officially out.

We have Grey's tivo'd (for Andrea, back off!) and I have gone through and there is no such announcement.

Another rumor is there will be a news report at 10 on WHAS. Time will tell.

10:15 pm: Matt Jones says WHAS in L-ville is confirming the report that he is gone. I was watching WHAS the entire time and nothing has been aired. Don't understand what is going on.

10:20 pm: I also think it is odd that there is nothing on the WHAS11 website. Either Matt Jones is completely full of it or someone is playing a joke on certain WHAS viewers.

10:25 pm: More reports of L-ville viewers seeing the WHAS report. These aren't just people repeating what other people said they saw, these are actual people that saw it first-hand.

10:35 pm: Now I have officially seen it with my own eyes. WHAS did a teaser for tonight's news program and said their sources say that BCG is officially out. However, they don't name their sources, so I don't guess this is any more official than what anyone else is saying.