I have just received an email from a source who I shall refer to only as "hburg_volfan" that proves that BCG has been fired from the head coaching position. I know the source is solid, because he was able to get the above photo as proof. As you can see, Billy must have spent all his money on alcohol and women because he doesn't even have enough cash to find decent transportation back to Texas.
Additionally, Billy Donovan has been called up from the
There you have it folks. The scoop of all scoops. You heard it here first. I bet my journalistic integrity that this is the truth.
Of course, I don't know how much my journalistic integrity is worth. After this post, I am announcing my retirement from this blog. I just received an email from Prince Alibaba who promises me millions if I help him smuggle his money out of Kenya.
Smell ya, suckers!
This story is 100% true.
Daryl "Heavy Hitter" Isaacs
Why do you tease me so?