... in 1998, your University of Kentucky Wildcat fans snatched up 75,000 Maker's Mark cigars commemorating the recent NCAA title, once again proving that UK fans will purchase absolutely anything in association with their team. The birth of 22 t-shirt "companies" this past basketball season if further proof. The cigars were made through the Spalding Group and were sold through Maker's Mark for the Cats 7th National Championship. Maker's Mark would ultimately give $54,000 of the profits to the Tubby Smith Foundation, a place kids could go dismantle and build computers among other things. On the other hand, rabid fans would dismantle bottles of Maker's Mark, then litter Tubby's lawn with For Sale signs. Priorities people. Jeff Sheppard was named Most Outstanding Player after scoring a total of 43 points Final Four weekend for the Comeback Cats.
Big Blue Booyah on Tom Leach
Big Blue Booyah on Tom Leach
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