... in 2000, in a futuristic endeavor, the University of Kentucky sold 700 tickets online to Big Blue Madness, selling out in 13 minutes. This was the first time in Big Blue Madness history that tickets were offered over the Interwebs. The remaining 8,000 or so were sold at ticket counters and were gone in 10 minutes. The theme of Big Blue Madness 2000 was Survivor: Outhustle, Outplay, Outlast, a takeoff of the popular CBS hit reality show that chronicled the everyday struggles of a nude middle-aged white man who wandered up and down the beach and later evaded the IRS. Whoa, bet they wish they could have that one back.
Note: This event actually took place on October 13, 2000, but no one knows any different. Continue to spout this knowledge throughout the office as if it is your own.
Note: This event actually took place on October 13, 2000, but no one knows any different. Continue to spout this knowledge throughout the office as if it is your own.
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